New paper on cavity QED with integrated photonics and atomic vapors
October 1, 2024
Illustration of a chip-integrated photonic microresonator coupled to Rb vapor-phase atoms.
In a recent paper published in Optica, we demonstrate the strong interactions between a small number of vapor-phase Rb atoms and the mode of an integrated photonics microresonator, and show that signatures of interactions persist towards the single-atom, single-photon level. This platform is of potential interest due to its relative technological simplicity, as it consists of a standalone glass vapor cell bonded to a photonic integrated circuit microchip, and does not require significant physical infrastructure such as an ultra-high vacuum chamber or cryostat. Going forward, we hope to push this system towards the single-atom, single-photon strong coupling regime.
This work, which was also recently highlighted in Science ('Warming to quantum optics'), is a collaboration with the groups of Alexey Gorshkov and Paul Lett at JQI and several colleagues in the Microsystems and Nantechnology Division at NIST.
Roy Zektzer
Postdoctoral Researcher
Khoi Hoang
Graduate Student
Rahul Shrestha
Graduate Student