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Advancing on-chip Kerr optical parametric oscillation towards coherent applications covering the green gap


Optical parametric oscillation (OPO) in Kerr microresonators can efficiently transfer near-infrared laser light into the visible spectrum. To date, however, chromatic dispersion has mostly limited output wavelengths to \textgreater560 nm, and robust access to the whole green light spectrum has not been demonstrated. In fact, wavelengths between 532 nm and 633 nm, commonly referred to as the “green gap”, are especially challenging to produce with conventional laser gain. Hence, there is motivation to extend the Kerr OPO wavelength range and develop reliable device designs. Here, we experimentally show how to robustly access the entire green gap with Kerr OPO in silicon nitride microrings pumped near 780 nm. Our microring geometries are optimized for green-gap emission; in particular, we introduce a dispersion engineering technique, based on partially undercutting the microring, which not only expands wavelength access but also proves robust to variations in resonator dimensions. Using just four devices, we generate \textgreater150 wavelengths evenly distributed throughout the green gap, as predicted by our dispersion simulations. Moreover, we establish the usefulness of Kerr OPO to coherent applications by demonstrating continuous frequency tuning (\textgreater50 GHz) and narrow optical linewidths (\textless1 MHz). Our work represents an important step in the quest to bring nonlinear nanophotonics and its advantages to the visible spectrum.

Publication Details

Publication Type
Journal Article
Year of Publication
Light: Science \& Applications
Date Published